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May 19, 2015 1 min read

A lifestyle to so many.  FYC represents a way of life.  A passion to do what you love.  Be what lives deep inside of you.  Owner Doug Pugh has 10 years invested in the real estate business where he took note of one huge trend over that time.  There is booming growth in a very particular region of our country.   After the 2010 census results came in it was very clear.   Millions upon millions of people were flocking to the south or better known as the 'sunshine' belt of the country.  The region that spans from Georgia to California all along the southern belt.  Where the weather is warmer and the sunshine is brighter.  To live year round in warm weather, on the water, constant outdoor entertainment and outdoor activities with the ocean as your playground.  That's the way of life FYC represents.  Filled with new activities and a passion for the outdoors.  FYCKit.



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