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December 17, 2019 2 min read

FYC Tips for ATVing on Fresh Powder

Just because the temperature is dropping, doesn't mean that your ATV adventures have to stop. In fact, driving an ATV in a field of fresh snow can be even more fun than your normal summer rides. However, if you want to enjoy a fun but safe ATV ride this winter season, then you have to make sure you are fully prepared to tackle the powder. Here are some tips that will help you thoroughly enjoy your ATV during the winter months.

Dress Appropriately

While this may seem obvious, you should know that dressing for a wintery ATV ride is not as simple as it seems. You may be tempted to just throw on a snowsuit but this is an absolute no-no. Snowsuits will cause you to overheat and the last thing you want to do is sweat while out in the cold because then you are just asking to get sick. Dressing in layers, with the outermost layer being wind resistant, and moisture-wicking undergarments is a great way to go. According to Rocky Mountain ATV, make sure you wear a ski-mask or even a scarf so that your face is protected from the cold as well.

Getting Your Machine Ready

According to Russo Law, mechanical failure is a common cause of major accidents and problems regarding ATVs. You should regularly repair and take care of your machine especially before taking it on rough terrain. Not only should the inner workings of your machine be up to par, but the outer parts, such as the tires, must be properly equipped as well. When riding through snow, a common cause for getting stuck in a snowbank is not having the proper tires. In order to cut through snow properly, you will need very aggressive tires and sometimes, you may even need to add chains to them as well.


Because you are riding through semi-wet conditions, you want to properly clean your ATV after your ride to prevent it from forming rust. After your ride, make sure you give the metal parts of your ATVs a good spraying down with WD-40 or other water displacement product. Also, if you will be towing your ATV, keeping it covered will help to keep it protected from salt as well.

Winter doesn’t have to put an end to riding your ATV. With proper preparation and aftercare, you can enjoy your ATV all year long. Dressing appropriately, using the proper tires and performing thorough aftercare will keep your ATV riding smoothly this winter season.

Before you go out in the snow this winter, click here to read our list of tips!

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