Shipping rates are as follows; Shipping from Los Angeles, California.
We offer a full selection of triblends, poly/cotton, 100% cotton and performance
apparel for your lifestyle. All graphics are printed as DTG (direct to garment)
prints. This method offers a higher quality print that is better suited for our style
graphics. Please allow a few short business days to process and ship your order
via First Class mail.
- USA Rates
one shirt - 5.50
two shirts - 7.50
one sweatshirt - 8.00
two sweatshirts - 10.00
one pair sunglasses - 5.50
two pair sunglasses - 7.00
- Canada
one shirt - 8.00 USD
two shirts - 10.00 USD
one sweatshirt - 10.00 USD
two sweatshirts - 12-14.00 USD
- World
one shirt - 10.00 USD
two shirts - 14.00 USD
one sweatshirt - 11.00
two sweatshirts - 12-14.00